The Duty to Join the Struggle Against Fascism

This is a companion blog to the one I just posted on Trump and Christian Fascism. It was triggered by someone who contended that Israel is the greatest evil in the world. I replied that while I empathized with her feeling, I thought the US was the greatest evil. But on reflection, there is now a world-wide contest between states that are either greater or lesser evils, because fascism, which I had thought died during my parents’ generation, is alive and thriving throughout Europe. Christian Fascism is a form of vicious tyranny that has been under Chris Hedges’ lenses for quite some time, and I think he is quite right. This is what we face if Trump wins the next election, and it will be a horrifying, totally nihilistic movement that will not only do away with democracy but with life on Earth (see Trump’s embrace of Big Oil). But Israel is fascist; we face a growing fascist movement in the US; France and Italy have both elected fascist leaders; fascism is growing in Germany. So that what we should view ourselves as, is a united front 21st century-style, against our own nation’s, and the world’s, fascism. Then extreme, tyrannical forms of Islam (ISIS, the Taliban, etc.) are part of the worldwide movement towards ultimate tyranny and the suppression of any breath of democracy. So I suggest – if not implore – that you join the united front, consciously understanding it as such and talking about it as such. We have a great deal more to lose now than would have been lost even in World War II had the Nazis been victorious, since even they did not aim to destroy all of life on the planet.