Judicial Coup Fells the American Republic

We have suffered a judicial coup propelled by Leonard Leo, a brilliant fascist operative (fascism strictly defined is rule of a country by corporations). Now, what do we do? The Presidency is now immune from prosecution for virtually any crime the President commits. So we are now left to resort to the only protection we still have: Congress. Yes. I’m sorry, very sorry to have to say this. But it is the one remaining potential protection. And that means that we must work like hell to attain a majority in the House of Representatives. If we can get that, we can start hammering away at the appalling, horrifying, beyond atrocious ruling the treacherous, corporate-dominated Supreme Court has just made. If we cannot get that, we have no hope. So all of you who read this, please start working to elect Democrats. I never thought I’d come to this, but I will do it myself. Please. Join in. We need a united front against impending fascism and this is the ONLY remaining way to do it.