The Horror is Unimaginable and Almost Unspeakable

Israel bombed the Tabeen School in Gaza City. The bombing was so horrendous that not a single body remained intact. Intestines here, a leg there, bodies shattered and strewn in bits all over. Caitlin Johnstone comments at Please listen to the entire report; it is not long. Johnstone cautions us not to become numbed into thinking, “Another massacre….” It is not “another massacre” for any of the people just slain, any of their children, parents, relatives, and friends newly bereaved. What is also unconscionable, and what should continue to inspire our rage, is that Israel, with its Judeonazi leaders and followers – almost the entire population is implicated – is getting away with its genocide and its hideous ethnic cleansing of the West Bank, with impunity. We will have to apply the same pressure on Harris that we did on Biden. For apparently Harris, though she has uttered words that are more empathetic than Biden’s, will do little differently. She, too, is under the jackboot of AIPAC. As for AIPAC, I urge all readers to write to their Congressional representatives and senators to say that they should represent us, not AIPAC, and that you will make your feelings known the next time you vote. Israel, as always, should be a pariah nation worldwide. Its leaders should be brought to justice. We should all continue to insist that this happen.